So aside from you know I'm a red head...I am also part German. Actually, because of a Genealogy assignment I have found out I am Irish, Prussian, German and Norwegian (like the rest of the state of ND) - but that's besides the point. I have been raised up around numerous German & Norwegian foods and out of all those foods, one of my favorites is Kuchen. Kuchen is "cake" in German...but here in ND Kuchen is basically a custard pie mixed with whatever flavors you feel like - usually fruit.

Fictoris and I got into a fun, heated discussion last night. He stated that Kuchen is like an egg bake and I corrected him on saying that it is more like a Quiche. However, if you look at the definitions (at least the ND definition), they both involve eggs...lots of eggs. Quiche, however, is just more of a savory dish than a sweet dish. And I would much rather eat Peach Kuchen than any sort of Quiche!

On that note about "ethnic" about Lutefisk? Do you love it? Hate it? Have to have it cooked a special way (My grandparents love it nuked with butter!) Tell me about it on my comments!
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